Payroll - Modify
Option through which you can change the details of a Payroll that has been submitted, provided that this has not yet been received by the Bank for processing. It also gives access to information about all payrolls sent, their status and provides you with the option to Decline them.
- Company Name: Select the name of the Company for which you wish to view the Payrolls uploaded as well as other general information for these Payrolls
- Modify: Is available only for Files with status Pending Approval. Click
icon and then the “Change” button to change the amount that will be transferred for one or more beneficiaries and then change the Total Amount on the top part of the screen. You can also modify the Processing Date
- Submit : Click to submit the transaction
- Confirm: Click to confirm the transaction
- Transaction Number: The system returns a message on the top part of the screen with the status of the transaction. Click on the Transaction Number to see more details.
- Decline: Is available only for Files with status Pending Approval or Pending (Future Execution). Click
to decline the transaction
- Decline: Click to complete the transaction
- Transaction Number: The system returns a message on the top part of the screen with the status of the transaction. Click on the Transaction Number to see more details
Other options
- Transaction Number: Click on the Transaction Number of a specific file to see all transactions contained in it
- History: Click to see the list of actions by every User on the specific file in PDF format, which you can save or print