Card Reward antamivi Scheme
Rewards your everyday spending and grants you points that can be redeemed immediately.
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How it works
The antamivi Scheme awards loyalty points to daily transactions with Bank of Cyprus cards, at 280+ businesses and more than 900 locations across Cyprus.
Rewards your every card transaction at any of the business participating in the Scheme.
Every time you use your card at a participating business, you instantly accumulate points.
You redeem your points, whenever you want, every time your point balance is worth €5 and more.
As corporate clients, you can use your card at businesses participating in the antamivi Scheme and receive an extra 0.5 point for every €1 spent.
Rewards Scheme antamivi
More information
The antamivi Scheme awards loyalty points to daily transactions with Bank of Cyprus cards, at 280+ businesses and more than 900 locations across Cyprus. Loyalty points are redeemable on future purchases from businesses participating in the Scheme. In addition to loyalty points, with transactions at businesses participating in the Scheme, you have the chance to enjoy unique life experiences, like trips, festivals, concerts, and top sporting events in Cyprus and abroad.
You will be automatically enrolled in the antamivi Scheme as all cards of Bank of Cyprus participate in this (with the exception of cards issued to minors and cards connected to foreign accounts).
You can use your card at businesses participating in the antamivi Scheme and receive an extra 0.5 point for every €1 spent. This wins you, for example, 50 additional points for every transaction of €100. Extra points are credited at the start of each month.
Business antamivi Scheme rewards all your transactions made with any of your business cards simply by using your card at businesses that participate in the antamivi Scheme at 280+ businesses and more than 900 outlets across Cyprus.
- antamivi points on all your transactions at participating businesses
- Every time you use your business card at participating businesses you will get an additional 0.5 antamivi point for every €1 that you spend. In other words, you get 50 extra points for each transaction worth €100
- You can redeem your points only if your total accumulated points exceed 500 ie €5.
Points are collected automatically. With every transaction with one of the participating businesses, a number of loyalty points is added to your personal antamivi account.
Every 100 points correspond to a €1 reward.
The main precondition to redeeming points is having accumulated at least 500 points.
All you have to do is decide when and where you wish to redeem your points, paying less or not at all.
To always be informed of campaigns giving you the chance to win unique life experiences, register on the Scheme website here.
Secondary cardholders and business cardholders collect points in the primary cardholder’s and business account, respectively. The primary cardholder and the business account owner may transfer the redemption rights from their own antamivi account through the form found here.
For more information and updates on your accumulated points, as well as all the exciting news about the Scheme, visit or download the antamivi app from Google Play or the App Store.
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