Instantly open an account online
1bank subscribers can open an e-Notice account in their name via 1bank Internet Banking and Mobile Bapp.
Transfer money without charge
You can transfer money without charge if you give prior notice (8, 35, 90 or 180 days), depending on the notice period you selected. Transfer up to €500 per day without giving notice.
Automatic credit
You can automatically credit the account with your monthly salary and/or other income.

More information
e-Notice accounts are available only to individuals, 1bank subscribers. If you are not currently subscribed with 1bank, please call 800 00 800 to register and open your account.
You'll need to transfer into the e-Notice account at least €200 from either another existing account in your name, or from an account which you are authorised to handle.
No deposit limits apply.
The account has no expiry date.
You can manage your account via 1bank, Mobile Banking and ATM, round the clock.
You can send instructions for closing the account via a secure message through 1bank or through your Branch.
The interest rate is calculated on the daily balance.
The account is only available in euro.
Account statements are available only in electronic form.
Find the interest rate here
Deposits in Bank of Cyprus Public Company Limited are protected by the Deposit Guarantee and Resolution of Credit and Other Institutions Scheme (DGS).
Limit protection of EUR 100.000 per depositor per credit institution.
For more information please click here
Apply now through 1bank
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